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The Embassy of the Republic of Paraguay in the Commonwealth of Australia closed permanently on November 29, 2024. From November 6, 2024, no documents from the consular area will be received or processed until further notice.

Presenting the Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate is Mandatory For Entering or Leaving Paraguay
Valid from June 2024
As mandated by Ministerial Resolution S.G. N° 275/2024, to enter Paraguay, all foreigners arriving from yellow fever risk areas must present the international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever either in the digital or physical form. Likewise, this certificate is required for foreigners residing in Paraguay and for Paraguayan nationals traveling to risk areas.
Resolution S.G. N° 275/2024, ordered by the Executive Branch through the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, sets out as risk areas the following: Bolivia (Beni and Santa Cruz), Brazil (Pará, Tocantins, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Río Grande do Sul, Amazonas), Colombia (Villagarzón, Orito and Guamuez Valley, Putumayo), French Guyana (Massara de la Ciudad Lethen), Peru (Junín; Ucayali, Ayacucho San Martín and Madre de Dios) and countries of the African Region (Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Niger, Nigeria and South Sudan).
Travelers heading to or coming from the indicated risk areas must get the Yellow Fever vaccine at least 10 days before their trip.
Those with medical contraindications for getting the vaccine must justify their situation through a certificate issued by a medical professional or by a health authority of their country of origin.
Children under 1 year of age and those over 59 years cannot be vaccinated either.
Passengers in transit with stopovers of up to 24 hours in risk areas are exempt.
Please note
Non-resident foreigners who do not have the certificate will not be able to enter the country.
Non-resident foreigners who have the certificate but that have not completed the 10 days of having been vaccinated will not be able to enter the country.
Paraguayans and resident foreigners who do not have the certificate will be subject to health control for 6 days.
Foreigners who can enter due to special situations are those who come for: humanitarian reasons, commercial reasons, specialized technicians, crew members and other situations that the country considers necessary. This will be managed through the Directorate of Border Surveillance and Control, sending all data to the email: 72 hours in advance.
The yellow fever vaccine is contraindicated for:
Children under 6 months.
Pregnant women.
People with a history of allergies to any of the components of the vaccine, including egg, chicken proteins or gelatin.
Those who have alterations in the immune system, including infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
People with thymus disease, myasthenia gravis, DiGeorge syndrome, malignant tumours, organ transplants and pathologies that require treatment with immunosuppressants.
For more information about the health requirements and recommendations in force in Paraguay, please visit the official portal of the General Directorate of Health Surveillance or contact the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare through its official channels.